Путешествие во времени

Полине надо было сделать презентацию в классе - как она путешествовала в разные времена из истории Америки с доказательствами.Она решила сделать серию ее фотографий с персонажами тех времен и привезти то, что ей там презентуют. 
Первое время - революция в США.
Второе время - экпедиция Льюиса и Кларка. Там с ними была индианка, Полина хочет с ней сфоткаться.
Третье время - покорение Запада. Это будет ее встреча с ковбоем. 
Четвертое время - Строительство трансконтинентальной железной дороги. Там много китайцев строило. 
Пятое время они могли выбрать произвольно. Полина взяла Древнюю Русь.
Вот что у нее вышло в итоге:
            Dear reader,
          I'm a traveler of time. You probably say nobody has the ability to do that. But it's true, I can. I am Paulina. Read this journal and find out how where and when I traveled!
            Dear journal,

          The first adventure started during the 13 colonies fighting for their independence.  I slowly walked through the town and saw a lot of people dressed in fancy historical cloth. I started to walk quickly and then I crashed into a man. I was about to think that he would say “Young lady, it is bad manners to crashing to people”. But instead I saw a kind smile. I could not believe my eyes. It was Thomas Jefferson!
I always dreamed to see him not in books! I asked him what's new and he said the he was about to start Revolutionary War. He also told me that he was the one who wrote The Declaration of Independence. I talked with him for a little while more then he had to live I wish him good luck with revolution.
Then he presented me a nice thing – the beautiful pin that he worn on his tie.
                                                                   Your owner,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Paulina
          Dear journal,  
        My next journey was to the Lewis and Clark expedition which was pretty tough. Lewis and Clark had climbed high mountains,  swum fast rivers and often were running away from fierce Grisly bears. Sacagawe was a young native American woman who helped Lewis and Clark on their complex jorney.
When they crossed rivers Sacagawe saved the stuff multiple times. During my visit to this time Sacagawe taught me to shoot arrows from bows
and make native American necklace
which I brought back with me.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Your owner,
          Dear journal,
         The 3rd station was on the prairie during the Oregon Trail. I’ve been hiking across the desert like prairie. And I had to wear some traditional dress but I couldn't handle it! When I came across Laura Ignals' family, Pa was a very jolly man.
 Laura's family had very little food but they were very generous and invited me to lunch. I thanked the family and said that I have plenty of food to eat in my time. I saw such a life on the prairie. I could see bison, buffalo wolfs, coyotes, and even cute prairie dogs. After lunch me, Laura and Marry could play.
 Pa told me he missed his home back in Wisconsin. It was time for getting to go back home for me too. They were leaving and I saw something on the ground.
It was a horseshoe, probably from a horse of the Ignal's family. And I brought it home with me for memory.
                                                               Your owner,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Paulina
          Dear journal,
          The next period was so different, there was so much Chinese men. I was shocked!  I purposelessly chose American events for studying but this didn't even look like America. At least I can try to ask somebody I thought. The closest worker was a Chinese teen named Wong.
He told me that wasn't China at all, it's America. I was relieved, but why were they here?  He told me that he and other men came here for money because right now in China people are very poor. I found out that the period was the Transcontinental railroad building. Wong gave me a bracelet and Chinese drum toy for memory.
I think it is because he liked me.  I told him its time to go to the next period for me but I will miss him in my time.
                                                                   Your owner,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Paulina
          Dear journal,
          On my last travel I decided to go outside of America and chose Kievan Rus. It was time when Russia was born, more than thousand years ago. I walked around the town and saw wooden houses like in America but they were different. The top edges were curved and decorated with animals, like horses or roosters. I found a beautiful building which unlike other houses was made out of marble white as snow, and roof was covered with pure gold. That was the castle of Tsar and Tsaritsa. The Tsar is like the King but in Russian language – the ruler of the country.
And the Tsaritsa is like the Russian Queen. She even presented me one of her beautiful crown.
Then Tsar asked me if I would like to live with them because they have only one daughter and a baby son.
Well of course I would never say no if someone asked me it. I said I will but first I have to quickly go to my time to class and show my presentation. After that I will be back.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Your owner,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paulina

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